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All About Facelift
and Rejuvenation
It is possible to have a tight face that does not appear to have undergone surgery.
Success In Facelift in Turkey (Rhytidectomy)
Facelift, which is the most effective facial rejuvenation method, is an operation that aims to achieve a more natural and youthful facial appearance by lifting and tightening sagging facial tissues. If you also think that you need a facelift, you can contact our experienced surgeons who are experts in their field and plan your surgery.
What Is A Facelift (Rhytidectomy)?
Due to the effect of gravity, environmental factors, and genetic background, wrinkles and sagging on the face gradually increase as age advances. Facelift and neck lift operations are applied for the purpose of eliminating or reducing these mentioned sagging and wrinkles. As a result of the applied facial rejuvenation methods and neck rejuvenation methods, an appearance almost 10 years younger can be obtained.
Facelift surgery (Rhytidectomy) is a procedure applied to correct the sagging and deformations in the jawline and neck area over time; to remove excess skin in front of the ear and deep wrinkles in the face area. Excess skin is removed with an incision that is made by starting from the hairy part of the ear. With face and neck lift, the effect of aging on the face and neck is visibly reduced.
Facelift application is very effective, especially for cheek lift, chin lift, and neck lift. Another phenomenon observed with sagging is the decrease in the amount of fatty tissue over time, which is also called fat atrophy (melting). When the fat injection is applied together with the operation, both the sagging is removed and decreasing fatty tissue are reinforced. The wrinkles around the eyes can be intervened in the
What Are The Facelift Operation Options?
There are two types of facelifts, mini facelift, and standard facelift. In addition to these, a neck lift can be added to patients who need it. Relatively younger patients with mild sagging skin are usually good candidates for a mini facelift. Standard, that is, traditional operations are applied for the problems in the face and neck area that occur in middle and advanced ages. It is intended for facial rejuvenation and neck rejuvenation. Standard, that is, traditional operations are applied for the problems in the face and neck area that occur in middle and advanced ages. The recovery period of standard facelift surgery is longer than mini facelift surgery.
What is a Mini Neck Lift?
A mini facelift is an option for neck lift surgery. The surgeon removes sagging skin in the neck and under the chin with a mini neck lift. In a mini neck lift, the aim is to create a smoother contour and a more youthful appearance.
How to Perform A Facelift Surgery?
In addition to non-surgical applications made with injection, surgical facelift procedures can also be performed. Facelift procedures are an effective solution in cases where there are complaints such as a deformation like sagging of the skin.
Before the surgery, during the examination, what kind of aging and especially where there is deformation on the face are examined.
Before the surgery, during the examination, what kind of aging and especially where there is deformation on the face are examined.
Am I A Suitable Candidate For A Facelift?
If the signs of aging on your face are making you look tired or sad, skin lift surgery for the face can be applied for you. You may be a suitable candidate for a skin lift if you have sagging facial skin and realistic expectations, are over 40 years old, are physically healthy, and will be able to take care of your skin with special attention during facelift recovery time. There are factors that are more important than age for a facelift. Your health history, general health status, medications, and facial operations in the past are evaluated to decide whether you are a suitable candidate.
How Long Is The Permanence Time of A Facelift Surgery?
There are surgical and non-surgical facelift methods to look younger, healthier, and more vigorous. While the appearance obtained with non-surgical facelift methods is usually short-term and temporary, the situation is different in surgical facelift methods. Facelift procedure, also known as facial rejuvenation surgery, can make a person look 5 to 10 years younger. However, aging also continues after facial rejuvenation surgery. In other words, the youthful appearance obtained after the surgery remains for about 10 years. In addition to this, many factors such as stress, insomnia, an unhealthy and unbalanced diet, alcohol consumption, smoking, excessive and unprotected sunbathing, and a sedentary lifestyle may cause the appearance of facial rejuvenation to be lost earlier.
Sagging: The sagging in the middle of the face is effectively eliminated.
Deep Wrinkles: It provides an effective solution for deep wrinkles on the lower eyelids, mouth, and nose.
Loose Skin: Excessively oily or loose skin under the chin and cheeks, and facial fat that has fallen or displaced.
What Is The Average Recovery Time For A Facelift?
The swelling decreases rapidly by 60% in the first 2 weeks, but the process is slower and takes more time for the remaining swelling. Avoiding salt and keeping the head elevated while sleeping helps the process. At the end of 3 months, 80% of the swelling goes down. At the end of 6 months, there is a reduction of 85% to 90%. The going down of the last 10% swelling may take the end of 1 year. This process works at different speeds for each patient. Following a salt-reduced diet 2 weeks before the surgery also helps the process.
Within 2 weeks after the operation, swelling and bruises disappear to a large extent. You can return to your normal life. For 3 months, avoiding salt and keeping the head elevated while sleeping helps the process. And at the end of 3 months, 80% of the swelling goes down. It may take up to 6 months for your skin to begin to settle onto the face properly. At the end of 6 months, there is a 90% reduction in swelling. At the end of 1 year, the remaining 10% swelling also goes down. This process works at different speeds for each patient
What Should I Expect From A Facelift Surgery?
To allow your tissues to heal properly, it is recommended that you refrain from vigorous physical activity for 2 weeks after surgery. Walking and non-physical activities can be done. However, one should not exercise during the first 2 weeks.
Facial swelling is expected and may be more significant 24-72 hours after the operation than immediately after the procedure. Keeping the head elevated and sitting upright for several days after surgery will help to minimize swelling. Mostly swellings disappear slowly within 10 days. Bleeding: A small leakage of blood and tissue fluid may occur along the suture lines for several days after surgery. Bleeding which is severe or that does not stop within 10 minutes is rare and is a condition that you should report to your doctor.
Your doctor will tell you when you will return to your normal level of activity and work. After surgery, your surgeon will give you and your caregiver, if any, detailed instructions on your post-operative care.
Other Aesthetic Procedures That Can Be Combined With A Facelift?
Neck lift and eyebrow lift are operations that are often performed together. These procedures help to maintain facial balance and provide more significant and dramatic results. However, to ensure safety and good results, patients should choose surgeons that are experienced in all areas of facial plastic surgery.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can A Facelift Be Applied To My Eyelids?
In a facelift procedure, the essential goal is to remove the sagging of the cheekbone area, cheeks, jawline, and neck. However, with a holistic approach, it is possible to achieve much better results and an effective rejuvenation effect by evaluating the forehead, eyebrows, and eyelids and making appropriate interventions in the same session when necessary. In the end, your eyes and forehead are part of your face. However, what is actually meant is the facial line, cheek, and jawline.
What Are The Results That A Facelift Gives In The Long Term?
When performed by an experienced, board-approved plastic surgeon, a skin lift for the face reduces the effects of aging. However, nothing can stop the normal aging process, but after a facelift, you will always look younger than you would without surgery.
What Happens On The Day Of The Operation?
The operation can be performed in a hospital or an independent surgical facility. When you are ready for the surgery, your surgeon and medical team will implement the plan you have agreed on. Facelift surgery is performed under general anesthesia or deep sedation (putting into sleep). You can know what awaits you since you will decide this before your procedure begins. When your surgery is finished, you will be taken to the recovery unit where you will be closely monitored. Dressings may be applied to the incision sites, and there may be a small tube behind one or both of the ears to drain excess blood and fluid. After your surgeon’s approval, you can go home and rest. Someone, who may drive you home, needs to be ready because of the anesthesia. It can be helpful to have someone by your side for the first 24 to 48 hours.
Best Age For A Facelift?
Waiting for skin aging to become too serious will reduce your chances of getting the best results for facial rejuvenation. It’s best to start the facial rejuvenation process early for several reasons: For most people, changes in facial aging begin to become visible in their early 30s.
Why Should I Consider A Facelift Surgery?
As we age, the skin begins to lose its elasticity and facial tissues lose volume. Eventually, it results in jowl, dewlaps, deep wrinkles on the lower face, and loose skin on the neck. Although this is a natural part of aging, patients who are uncomfortable with these signs may consider a facelift as a good solution. Following this operation, it is seen that individuals often have increased self-confidence; they have gained an energetic atmosphere arising from their healthy appearance. You can also talk to our doctors about a forehead lift, cheek lift, and chin lift.
Is Facelift Safe?
All surgical procedures carry some risks. There are potential side effects such as thick scarring, bleeding (hematoma), infection, wound separation, anesthesia risks, hair loss at the line of incisions, facial nerve injury, facial asymmetry, skin loss, numbness or other changes in skin sensation, fat necrosis, fluid accumulation (seroma), pain, skin contour irregularities, skin discoloration – tenderness or swelling. In addition, the sutures may spontaneously form a surface through the skin, they may become visible and cause irritation. Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications may occur rarely.
What Happens Before The Facelift Operation?
Your surgeon will provide instructions before the operation, she/he may want to obtain a detailed medical history and will perform a physical examination to determine your suitability for the surgery. You should tell your surgeon if there are conditions that require medical permission from your personal doctor or internist. Your doctor will tell you in detail how you should prepare for the surgery after the examination. Before surgery, you may be recommended to stabilize your weight or make some lifestyle changes. It is important to follow these recommendations in order to obtain good postoperative results and minimize complications. Other than that, you should stop smoking six weeks before surgery to promote healing and reduce scarring. Smoking also increases your risk of developing serious complications. You should avoid using aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (painkillers), and vitamins / homeopathic products. These can increase bleeding. Drinking plenty of water is crucial for a safe surgical procedure.
How Does The Facelift Operation Work?
The technique that the plastic surgeon uses when performing a skin lift for the face depends on a number of factors, including a patient’s anatomy and personal goals, the degree of a facelift (mini facelift or standard), and whether another procedure is done at the same time. It is usually performed using general anesthesia, but local anesthesia with sedation may be used in some less extensive procedures.
When Should I Start Taking Precautions For My Face?
YThe signs of aging on the face usually begin to be visible in the early 30s. In the 40s and 50s, deep facial lines caused by skin folds and facial fat loss become difficult to correct with the facelift alone. In your 40s or 50s, a facelift with fillers or fat will help prevent these permanent changes. Generally speaking, younger people are better candidates for elective surgery like a facelift. It is possible to say that this is because older people have medical problems and younger patients recover more easily after the procedure. Today, people in their 40s and 50s are more socially active. For them, it is quite important to look good and young in general. With the operations you will get to stop facial aging in your 40s or 50s, it is possible to maintain the look you want over the years.
Should I Postpone My Facelift To Lose Weight?
It is ideal for a patient to have the best health conditions and best body sizes before any surgery. If you only need to lose a few pounds, this situation won’t make much difference in your operation results. However, if you are talking about further weight loss – before undergoing surgery – it is important to wait until you feel yourself at a healthy and appropriate weight. Considering your body type and condition, you should consult with your specialist for the safest and most effective option.
How Long Does The Facelift Operation Take?
The duration varies depending on the scope of the procedure. For some patients, mini facelift operations can be completed in under 2 hours. Standard applications usually take 3 to 4 hours. When combined with an eyelid or eyebrow surgery, it may take up to 6 hours.
When Does Recovery Become Complete After Facelift Surgery?
Every recovery period is different. In general, the noticeable swelling goes down in 10 to 14 days. Most patients can return to work, usually within 2 weeks. If you want to be sure that you choose the best time for operation, taking into account your special circumstances, you should have this application done 1 month before the day you want to be healed.
How Permanent Are The Effects Of The Operation?
The results of a facelift are usually permanent. Therefore, patients can enjoy their rejuvenated appearance for years to come. Of course, the face will naturally continue to age after the surgery, but patients will continue to look younger when compared to unoperated conditions.
Is There An Age Limit For The Facelift Operation?
There are factors that are more important than age for a facelift. Evaluation of your health history, general health status, medications you use, and previous facial operations are more important. If you think that a facelift will make you happier and more confident, age is not an obstacle to achieving the look you want. It is completely normal and hassle-free to perform a facelift on a 70-year-old patient. However, it is important that patients at this age have more reasonable expectations. It’s possible to look 15 years younger, one should not expect to look like 30 again.
Is Facelift Possible Without Surgery?
Apart from facelift tape and rope suspension or injection procedures made for a facelift without surgery, a surgical facelift is also possible.
What Is Forehead Lift Surgery? How To Perform It?
Forehead lift surgery is a good solution for unwanted conditions such as sagging, wrinkles, and folds in the forehead area. The skin is stretched by making a thin incision from the line where the forehead and hair meet. After the excess skin is cut and removed, the skin is sutured to the scalp tightly. Before some forehead lift surgeries, if there is a disproportionation or volume loss, they can be corrected by fat transfer. Quite successful results are obtained in forehead lift operations performed under general anesthesia.
How To Fix Saggy Neck?
The neck area is one of the areas where signs of aging are first felt, like the face. Sagging neck, which develops due to genetic predisposition or weight gain and loss, can also occur at an early age. Neck lift surgery can be performed due to complaints such as loose skin structure, excess fat tissue, sagged muscle structure, deformations called turkey neck, and significant jowl structure.
Does Any Scar Remain After Facelift Surgery?
One of the main questions that come to mind regarding facelift surgeries is whether there will be any scars that remain after the surgery. Since forehead lift surgery is performed with small incisions of 1 to 2 millimeters in endoscopic methods and the facelift is performed in such a way that it remains in the fold just in front of the ear and under the hair behind the ear, it is very difficult to see the scars when they heal. In classical methods, these incisions heal over time and become almost invisible, as these incisions are located in front of and behind the ear and the natural lines of the face are placed between them.
Which Facelift Method Is Right For Me?
Facelift surgery varies according to the needs of each patient, and a plastic surgeon will shape her/his technique accordingly. Patients who exhibit mild sagging of their skin are generally good candidates for a mini facelift. Standard, that is, traditional operations are applied for the problems in the face and neck area that occur in middle and advanced ages.
What Are The Possible Side Effects Of A Facelift?
Swelling and bruises may occur after the operation. The cuts are rarely important because they are hidden. Temporary numbness of the face is inevitable but it gradually returns to normal within a few months. Occasionally, a hematoma may need drainage and this condition rarely requires surgery.
Which Procedure Is Also Known As A Facelift?
Rhytidectomy is known as a facelift is a type of cosmetic surgery procedure. This procedure gives a more youthful facial appearance.
How To Get Rid Of Turkey Neck With Surgery?
The neck is one of the areas affected by aging. The neck muscles start to weaken and the skin loses its elasticity and this causes a sagging neck (turkey neck). The surgical neck lift is the best way to get rid of a turkey neck.
What Are The Main Risks And Complications Of Facelifts And Neck Lifts?
Facelift surgeries are safe when performed by well-trained professionals. Like any surgery, facelift procedures carry some risks, too. Infection formation is possible but is rare since the face contains a large amount of blood. Also, if a patient does not smoke, the facelift recovery times becomes usually smooth. Temporary nerve damage and related temporary loss of function in some mimic muscles can be observed in approximately 5-10% of the patients.
How Painful Is A Face And Neck Lift?
As surgical procedures facelift and neck lift carry some risks. The pain is the potential side effect of these procedures..